Are You The One? Season 8 Discussion (Episode 7)

WARNING: This post is a mess because it was written at 3 am. Though that is my primetime for my emo elegance to shine, that isn’t the case for my reality show goodness. Good luck!!!

I am here to talk about episode 7 of Are You The One?, but I honestly don’t have much to say. I feel like this episode was meant to be shocking, but it didn’t work for me. Maybe this whole prediction thing is sucking the fun out of it, Anyway, I still have a few things to say so let’s get into it so I can sleep.

For starters, Remy needs to take Taylor Swift’s advice and CALM DOWN. I’m not gonna lie, I would’ve furious too, but there’s a time when you just gotta stop. I was hearing him yelling in the background a good ten minutes after he yelled at Jonathan. If I was Jonathan, I would’ve played it safe, but they are told to play with their heart. I’m assuming that is what Jonathan was trying to do so I can’t blame him for that. Although, I do think he was stuck on a certain body type when they have to look for what they need. Justin is what he wants, but it isn’t what he needs. (Spoiler alert: Basit is what he needs.)

I’m just saying, I almost peed my pants when Basit said “Glad we had this talk.” while slowly walking away from Jonathan. That is such a Basit thing to do, and I love how they just put a little bit of shade in there. They are so extra, and I am living for it.

Nour and Amber is dead, and I am actually kind of sad about it. After a few episodes, I knew they weren’t a match, and I was even happy they weren’t because the relationship went downhill. Although, they had me from the beginning. They were just so adorable. Although, I kind of chuckled when Amber said she was kind of happy they weren’t a match. Nour just isn’t the one for her, and she deserves to be HAPPY.

Let’s talk about Aasha for a second because she kind of made me angry. In episode 4, she picked Max at the match-up ceremony. She split Justin and Max up because of that threesome fantasy she had with them. Fast-forward to when Max gets in the way of Brandon and Aasha because Jonathan picks Justin… She gets upset. I understand that she wanted to sit with him. If she sat with him, they wouldn’t have blacked-out. Although, Max was just picking someone he had some sort of connection with. He had no choice. I am not throwing shade because I have actually grown to like Aasha a lot, but it just kind of bothered me.

I lowkey just want to talk about the ending so let’s quickly talk about Kai. There’s a lot to cover. For one, him and Nour is an odd pairing that I don’t understand. I kind of think it’s funny because I think Nour and Jasmine is a match. Jasmine and Kai kind of had a thing going for a second there. Anyway, they aren’t a match so they better keep moving. ALSO he needs to stay away from Jenna. He needs to let her move on because she needs it more than anything. I think she might be going towards that with help from Remy, and I really hope she is able to do so. Last thing I will say is I literally screamed when he went straight to Jasmine after that thing with Jenna.

Okay that’s all with Kai. Let’s move on now. Nothing to see. (Talks about Kai in like 5 seconds)

Brandon and Aasha is a match. YAY. But like this is not surprising. I am just happy they have someone in the Honeymoon Suite!!! Jonathan and Basit are also a perfect match!! They don’t know that yet, but I will talk about that in my predictions.

The last thing I am going to say is Danny needs to keep moving on. I adore him, and Kai just isn’t his match. When I heard him say Kai’s name at the ceremony, I just got angry. I really want this cast to win, but it is becoming unlikely. Although, season 7 was able to pull it altogether last minute so we will see!


Brandon & Aasha (confirmed) – FINALLY. This is a couple I was pretty confident in to begin with. I am happy to see them as the first perfect match even if it’s a little later than I hoped.

Basit & Jonathan (confirmed) – I think it’s really odd that MTV confirmed they are a match even though the cast doesn’t know yet. I am happy Basit will have their “I told you so” moment with Jonathan, but this is just a weird way of doing it.

Max & Justin – They are SO A MATCH and it makes me so happy. I am confident in all of my predictions, but this one just makes me ecstatic. They’re perfect together.

Paige & Amber – When I have said they are a match, my mom will argue saying they do not go good together. Although, once I showed her my notes, she was convinced. When they sat together in the third match-up ceremony, they were one of the beams along with Nour and Jasmine. That week in terms of who sat together was pretty random so I was afraid it would throw me off. Although, it was actually pretty easy to figure out who wasn’t a match. For example, the two confirmed matches did not sit together that night so that eliminates three couples from being matches. Since Max sat with Aasha and I am confident in Max and Justin being a match, I eliminated Jenna and Justin from being a perfect match. Kylie and Kari are a confirmed no match from the Truth Booth. It also makes no sense for Kai and Danny to be a match. Besides, they sat together during this episode (Episode 7) when a confirmed match and Max/Justin sat together. Just connect the dots. Paige and Amber is a MATCH.

Jonathan – Brandon
Aasha – Max
Paige – Amber
Kai – Danny
Remy – Basit
Kylie – Kari
Jenna – Justin
Jasmine – Nour

Jasmine & Nour – I am afraid these two will never give it a shot.. If you saw the previews for Episode 8, you know what I mean. I hope this fight isn’t too serious because they need to make up and make out. They’re definitely a match. Just look at my evidence above.

Kylie/Danny, Kai/Remy, and Kari/Jenna – For these next three, I am just gonna say a few words and take a picture of my notes. For Kylie and Danny, I have no explanation besides the fact that they have to be a match. With Kai and Remy, it is a bit more complicated. They have had a little fling. I don’t see how they haven’t realized that they are a match because they are both extremely sexual AND they are both open to a polyamorous relationship. I know Remy isn’t happy with how Kai has treated Jenna, but he needs to put that aside. Finally, Kari and Jenna could actually work. Even though I don’t have much of an explanation besides my notes, I could see them being a good couple.

Are You The One? Season 8 Discussion (Episode 6)

Bear with me because I am trying to remember the main points for this episode. It is 2 am, and I forgot to type up my thoughts during the episode. I am pretty sure I will get the main points though. Let’s just start it up with Justin and Max…

The Boom Boom Room!!! They might’ve been in there before, but I believe this is the first time we have seen Justin and Max in there. If this is the first time, that shows real love between them two. It seemed like everyone else just wanted to get in there as quickly as possible. They’re truly the couple that I will root for until the end which is why the rest of the house is driving me insane.

I still can’t believe Jonathan is still hooked on Justin. He really screwed it up for the whole house, but I will talk about that later.

Jonathan isn’t the only one that screwed it up because the house had a chance to get Justin and Max in the Truth Booth. In fact, Jonathan voted to get them in there. It may have been for the wrong reason, but he still did what I wanted everyone else to do.

I am not gonna sit here and say that they were wrong for voting Kari and Kylie in there. I was very confident in them before this episode. I still would have voted for Max and Justin because of my confidence in Kylie and Kari. They would’ve gotten more answers with Max and Justin. Why vote for someone if you are confident that they are a beam? I was more confident in Kylie and Kari so I would’ve voted for Justin and Max.

I still can’t believe Nour thought her plan would work. It was in her’s and Amber’s favor even though they aren’t a match. They need to actually have a plan instead of focusing on one or two couples they THINK are matches. They need to venture out like Kai is doing.

I say that like I am confident in Kai and Jasmine when I am not. I also say that like I think he is actually venturing out when he is not. *watch the preview for next week* I will say that I am happy he is trying though. I can’t blame him for Jenna being upset even though I felt terrible for her. Kai is just trying to find his match. It just makes that hard when they are living in a house together.

I love what Paige did so much. Jenna was heartbroken, and Paige was there to patch her heart up. Paige is freaking amazing guys. I am an Ostrich.

Now, let’s just talk about that blackout because WOW. Next week is going to be a blood bath. It is going to be Jonathan vs the house. I can’t say I blame them. I would be mad. I know he is trying to find his match, but he should’ve stopped chasing Justin a long time ago. I am happy to see that he is finally moving on to Basit according to the preview for next week. I just wish he would’ve done that a long time ago.

I laughed at the end when the realization that Max and Justin is a max-tch slapped them in the face. (I had to haha) I heard a few people say “I knew it”, and not many people can say that so stop trying to act like you knew. Only people to my knowledge that saw what they had was Remy, Amber, and maybe one or two more. I am just so happy that everyone knows now. I really hope they get put in the truth booth next week.

Image result for are you the one justin and max

That’s all I have to say besides the predictions even though I am sure I am missing a few things. I hope you liked this. Like, comment, follow, and share. Tune in for next week’s AYTO post! 🙂

Disclaimer: Please don’t take the “shade” seriously in this post. I am just saying what I think about what these individuals are doing in the house. I am not speaking on who they are because I do not know them.

Predictions Before Episode 6:

  • Kylie – Kari
  • Justin – Max
  • Remy – Basit
  • Paige – Danny
  • Brandon – Aasha
  • Jasmine – Nour
  • Jonathan – Kai
  • Jenna – Amber

Predictions After Episode 6:

Justin & Max – I really thought I was going to be taking these two off my predictions list after this episode. I wanted them to be a match, but I was starting to doubt it. Thank GOD this episode came along because I am so confident they are a match. I know I was confident about Kylie and Kari, but I think I am right this time. We know Nour/Amber and Kari/Kylie aren’t matches so Justin/Max has to be. I am so happy because they’re finally gonna have their “I told you so” moment in the house.

Image result for are you the one season 8

Brandon & Aasha – These two are finally catching onto something I saw after an episode or two. After a lot of studying and Danny-like notes, I am pretty sure they were a beam along with Basit and Jonathan during week two.

Paige & Amber – I am not surprised, but I really thought Danny and Paige would be a match. I am pretty confident in this though. I didn’t spend hours on notes and studying the episodes for nothing.

Jasmine & Nour – This was actually a prediction of mine last week, but if you read last week’s post, you’ll know I was guessing. Looks like guessing works out sometimes. I’m pretty confident in most of these. This is one of them. I don’t really think they’d work out, but I am not an expert on this.

Jonathan & Basit – I have not been confident in these two, but it looks like they were one of those two beams in week two. It also looks like Jonathan will be coming around next week since he knows Justin isn’t his match. I really hope he gives Basit a chance because they deserve it.

Image result for they deserve it

Kari & Jenna – The remaining predictions, besides one of them, is simply just based off of studying the match-up ceremonies. Although, I could see this. They’re both quirky and funny even though Jenna hides it sometimes. I think Kari could bring out that side of her.

Kylie & Danny – I honestly can’t see this one, but Kari and Danny are both very quirky. With that said, Kylie might have a thing for quirky people. We will see. This might not even be a match. These last few can be interchangeable.

Kai & Remy – They both like sex a lot. I also think Remy is a better person than he lets on so I think he can bring out the best in Kai. As long as they don’t allow the sex to take over, I think they could be a good match.

Writer: Noah Purser

Bio: Hey! My name is Noah Purser and I’m freshly out of high school. I really wanted to do something with my passion for writing, film and other things in that spectrum. My itch for sharing that with others turned into a rash so I had to do something about it. So I’m here! I hope you enjoy what I have to say, but if you don’t… meh.


Snapchat: nbama

Are You The One? Season 8 Discussion (Episode 5)

WARNING: There will probably be keyboard smashes throughout this article because this dang episode made me see clearly, but those clouds didn’t stay gone for long. I am CONFUSED. With that said, let’s move into the discussion.

This episode of Are You The One? was messier than my love life and that is saying something. First, they had to hit us with Nour and Amber which I thought was over. I was all for them at the beginning, but I quickly changed my mind. I wouldn’t be shocked if they’re a match because they obviously have a connection, but I also don’t believe they are a match. They are on a rollercoaster for sure. They just need to explore others in the house. Stop flip flopping!

Messy relationships are the norm for this show so when I see an amazing friendship, it makes me happy. Jenna and Danny is that friendship. They bring out the best in each other, and when I see them together, I always smile. That being said, I am happy they are not a match. I just don’t see it. This was an intense truth booth though because they needed it to be a match. The fact that they still don’t have a confirmed match after the four truth booth scares me. I am sure it scared them too. I still think they need to throw either Kari and Kylie or Max and Justin in the truth booth. Since I am sure Kari and Kylie is a match, I would throw them in first, and Max and Justin can be next to give A LOT of answers no matter the outcome. That would be an insane truth booth!

While we are on the subject of Max and Justin. I just want to say that this episode was heart wrenching for me to see. They just went through so much in this episode. I am almost doubting if they are a perfect match, but just seeing how they bounced back after the insanity between them makes me think they might be. I don’t know. I really think they might be a match, but I also see potential in them being the next Cali and Tomas. They might not be a match, but I think they might still date outside of the house.

The challenge for this episode was actually fun and creative. I liked it, but I wish Max and Justin would have teamed up!!! At least Max and Justin used this challenge to communicate with each other, and it definitely helped them. It still cracks me up seeing how off Aasha was with Justin’s emojis. Coming out of the closet??? He is out honey… You have no connection with him…

By the way, I just don’t like Aasha in the show. I specify “in the show” due to how different they act in the house. I am sure she is a good person. This house makes you act wild sometimes so I don’t blame her. I am still mad for what she is doing, but I can not blame her. Justin is very good looking…

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Now let’s talk about this fivesome… WHY KYLIE??? WHYYYY. I am not mad at her or even disappointed, but she definitely should’ve thought about it a bit more. Not her greatest decision. Kari is just so amazing and loyal, and even though I believe Kylie can be those things to Kari, she has already done two things that contradicts that. I am still confident that they are a match, but Kylie needs to be careful.

I honestly don’t want to talk about Kai and Jenna. I don’t want to anger anyone, but that relationship is messier than my room. Just stop screwing up everything. This is way passed ruining the game. It is about ruining their mental state. The toxicity is running through their veins, and toxicity is never a good thing. I really hope this Jasmine and Kai thing helps them separate. I don’t think Jasmine and Kai are a match, but it just makes me happy that they have a chance to move on.

Before I go into my predictions, I want to express how disappointed I am in their progress. No confirmed matches and they got one beam for the first time. It has been two every time before this episode. I understand how hard this is with anyone being anyone’s match, but they need to step it up. Like c’mon!!!!

My Predictions Before Episode 5

  • Paige & Amber
  • Kylie & Kari
  • Max & Justin
  • Brandon & Aasha
  • Danny & Jonathan
  • Nour & Jenna
  • Remy & Basit
  • Jasmine & Kai

My Predictions After Episode 5

Kylie & Kari – These are a perfect match. After tonight, it is practically confirmed that they are a match. I had a sneaking suspicion that they were one of the beams in the previous match-up ceremonies. Since there was only one beam in this episode when they didn’t sit together. that almost confirms my sneaking suspicion.

Justin & Max – I don’t want to give up on this couple, but I am starting to realize they might become the Cali and Tomas of this season… Although, I don’t have time at the moment to rethink everything. With that said, expect a big change in my predictions next week unless Max and Justin are confirmed a match next week. Maybe they are… I might be surprised. I really hope so. I don’t want to give up on them yet.

Remy & Basit – Am I confident in these two? Not really, but look at the perfect matches from previous seasons. Asia and Tomas from last season… What? I am trying to think outside of the box with my predictions this week. I am also bringing one in here that I have been confident in for a while now… Look at the next one.

Paige & Danny – I am confident in these two even though it doesn’t seem like they have explored a relationship between each other. Although, I have noticed they hang out a lot. It seemed like Danny borrowed a dress of Paige’s for the Queer Prom. That might be due to their similar physique, but I see something between them two. Just wait…

Image result for brandon ayto season 8 gif

Brandon & Aasha – Brandon is too pure for Aasha, but I still think they could be a match. I just don’t want Aasha to hurt Brandon… He is just an amazing guyyy.

Jasmine & Nour – Well… this is random. No reason for pairing them together. Moving on now.

Image result for brandon ayto gif

Jonathan & Kai – Same as the match before. I just threw these two together because they haven’t explored each other yet.

Jenna & Amber – I actually think this is a possibility, but if I am being honest, they were just the last two remaining.

Writer: Noah Purser

Bio: Hey! My name is Noah Purser and I’m freshly out of high school and will be going to college soon. I really wanted to do something with my passion for writing, film and other things in that spectrum. My itch for sharing that with others turned into a rash so I had to do something about it. So I’m here! I hope you enjoy what I have to say, but if you don’t… meh.


Snapchat: nbama

Are You The One? Season 8 Discussion (Episode 4)

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to believe my predictions are correct. To be honest, I'm not confident in my predictions at all. It's too early to be confident.

As many know by now, the new season of MTV’s Are You The One? features a gender fluid cast. This makes for an interesting season since anyone can be anyone’s match. In the past, there has been 11 boys and 11 girls in which one can only be a match with one of 11 contestants. With this season, there are 16 contestants in which one can match with anyone else in the house. The show is 4 episodes in, and I am here to talk about episode 4. I will mention the most memorable moments of the show, and then I will give my predictions for the perfect matches before and after watching the episode.

In this episode, We saw what many thought would be the downfall of Kai and Jenna. Since they were confirmed a no match, they would explore other relationships if they played the game responsibly. Unfortunately, they must’ve forgotten how to. I understand wanting to pursue the relationship no matter what, but wait until after the show like Tomas and Cali from season 7. You do not want to get in the house’s way of winning 1 million dollars. I personally don’t think they should pursue the relationship anyway. I thought Zac and Bria from season 7 was toxic, but they take it to the next level.

Don’t let the shade I am throwing fool you. I actually like Jenna and Kai. I don’t enjoy a lot of what Kai has done in the house though. Some things just make me angry. I am not trying to disrespect him in any way. He seems like a really good guy outside of the house. He just made one too many mistakes in just a few episodes. I feel bad for Jenna. At least she wasn’t the one that got sloppy seconds…

Speaking of sloppy seconds, I was squealing when Jenna chose Remy’s pick-up line in the challenge. That definitely made for an interesting date… Jenna, Kai AND Remy? I wish we could’ve seen the whole date.

Though Kai and Jenna took up a hefty chunk of screen time, I am so over that relationship. Let’s talk about a relationship that I can talk about for hours. Max and Justin will be my favorite relationship in this show no matter the outcome. When I saw them cuddling up in bed, it just made me so happy seeing how far Max has come from the beginning. That makeout session was also just magical. It was adorable seeing how giddy Max was. All I am saying is if Aasha screws up this relationship, I will spend the rest of this season hating her. I’m joking… I could never actually hate her. She is honestly adorable. I am still mad at her for choosing Max during the Match-Up Ceremony, but I will get over it. While we are on the topic of Aasha, I have to talk about the FIVESOME mentioned in the preview for next week’s episode. I have a sneak suspicion that she is involved in it… I will be SHOCKED if she isn’t.

Back to what happened in the actual episode, that Queer Prom was WILD. I still can’t believe how quickly Nour and Amber went from the top to nonexistent… Like it really seems like they are over after Nour made out with Kylie. I can’t blame Amber for being upset, but I also don’t believe the decisions made inside the house determines who the people really are. Therefore, I am not going to hate Nour for what she did. She made a mistake, and she owned up to it. I am proud of her for that.

Something that really upset me in this episode is how Jonathan treated Basit. They were really feeling Jonathan, and for him to finally show interest in them and not show that in the Match-Up Ceremony angers me. Jonathan really confuses me. Maybe he is just confused… I hope he figures out his feelings. If he really does have feelings for Basit, he needs to really invest in that before they give up on him. I am afraid they already have.

I feel like I have talked about all the memorable moments for me. The only thing I have left to say before my predictions is the realization of Kylie and Kari. I didn’t really see anything between them until now. I am sold that they are a match. I am sure of it now. With that out of the way, here are my predictions before and after the episode.

My Predictions Before Episode 4

  • Nour & Amber
  • Max & Justin
  • Kai & Remy
  • Brandon & Aasha
  • Danny & Paige
  • Kari & Jasmine
  • Basit & Kylie
  • Jenna & Jonathan

My Predictions After Episode 4

Paige & Amber – I am not too confident in this match yet, but I think they did show potential. After next week’s episode, I may be more confident in them or I might take them out of my predictions.

Kylie & Kari – Week by week, I become more and more confident in this match. I would not be surprised if they are a perfect match. They are so adorable. To further prove my point, Kari tweeted that the kiss between Nour and Kylie didn’t break them up because a kiss doesn’t compare to their bond. *tear*

Max & Justin – I will NEVER give up on this relationship. I have never shipped two people together so much in this show. They are so adorable. Although, I am afraid that they aren’t a perfect match. I am just hoping that I will speak it into existence.

Brandon & Aasha – I haven’t seen too much of these two, but, for some odd reason, I see a spark between them. They did sit together at the second Match-up Ceremony so that would explain the second beam.

Danny & Jonathan – Don’t worry. I do not ship this, but I also wouldn’t doubt it if they are a match. Danny hasn’t really clicked with anyone so he is still a wildcard. Although, I have a sneaking suspicion that his match MIGHT be Paige, but I don’t have too much to back that. Therefore, I will stick with Paige/Amber and Danny/Jonathan until I have a reason not to.

Nour & Jenna – There is this voice in the back of my head saying these two might be a match. That might just be the confusion in my head telling me to just throw two random people together, but that is enough for me to believe they are a match for now.

Remy & Basit – I’ve heard others say this could be a match, but I think y’all just crazy. With that said, I am just gonna roll with it for now.

Jasmine & Kai – These were the last two so I guess they are a match.

Before I end this, please do not take what I say to heart when I am talking about the contestants. I am simply giving my opinion on what happened on the show. I am not giving my opinion on the person simply because I do not personally know them. I do not enjoy some things said and done in the show, but I do not know these people enough to give an actual opinion on who they are. I am only giving opinions on what they do IN THE SHOW. I am sure they are lovely people outside of the house.

Who am I?

Introducing myself in a blog is strange because I honestly don’t know how to. Do I start with my name? Do I start with my interests? Do I just compile a list of everything about me and what to expect in future blog posts? I really don’t know. I’m figuring this out as I go. I’m no professional so I hope that isn’t what you are looking for. If you’re looking for that, you’ll be tremendously disappointed. Anyway, I am just gonna start my introduction, and if you don’t like it, resume the celebrity gossip video you paused to read this. 🙂

HI! My name is Noah Purser. What’s your name? Interesting name. Never heard that one before! Glad you could join me. I promise you won’t regret it. I’m an amazing entertainer. I promise you that I will blow your mind with my blog posts. I am totally joking. I wish I had that kind of confidence. Anyway, I digress. I am writing this because I need to write to survive. Writing is my medicine. I write whenever I am down. Although, my motivation has been on a different planet lately so I decided to see if a blog would help. If I have an audience, it should help me conjure up the motivation to grab my laptop. At least that is what I am hoping. HOPING TO THE HEAVENS ABOVE.

As you can see, I am a strange human being. I don’t like being normal. Normal is boring. It’s no fun being boring. I like to make people laugh even if I fail. That is usually the case. Most of my jokes are dad jokes. PS I’m not a dad. UNLESS my ex forgot to tell me something except that would be impossible. I’m gay so if my ex is somehow pregnant with my baby, he would be all over the news.

I really hope I haven’t scared you away because it is just now getting interesting. REALLY INTERESTING.

So yeah… I am gay. I am many other things too so don’t get it twisted. I am much more than my sexuality. Although, it is still a big part of who I am so there will be other blog posts that are LGBTQ-related. There will be many things besides that though. For example, I am a movie buff who may dabble in reviews and movie news. I’m a nerd. Deal with it. Or don’t. You don’t have to read this. No one is forcing you to read my blog posts. Unless you’re my friend. In that case, I will shove my blog posts down your throat. I am totally joking. I promise. I would NEVER do that to my friends. 🙂

One last thing to touch on before I list some things I may write posts about. I am an aspiring writer so you may see a few posts about my projects I am working on! Let me know if you’d like to see an excerpt on a novel I am currently writing. I will definitely post one! Now that I have shoved in a bit of self-promotion, it is time to list the topics that may be talked about in my blog posts!

What to Expect:

  • Are You The One? Season 8
  • My Favorite Shows
  • My Favorite Films
  • Horror Films
  • Romance Films
  • Drama Films
  • DC Films
  • Marvel Films
  • Musicals
  • LGBTQ+ Films
  • LGBTQ+ Books
  • LGBTQ+ Community
  • Original Projects
  • Music
  • Anything Pop Culture Related
  • And Many More!

Until next time friends! PEACE!

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