It is almost 5 am while I’m writing this so I am going to make this short. I’m just here to talk about what my plans are for the future. Ever since I started blogging, I had a sensation to do more. I love writing, but there’s just something missing when blogging. I feel like that something missing is visual interpretation of my content. That is why I’m planning to start YouTube soon!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ My first video will be a Sit-Down Sunday where I just sit and chat with you. It’ll also be a QNA of sorts to help you get to know me more before jumping into the exciting videos I have planned! Please comment topics and questions you’d like to be discussed in the video!! I’m very excited to see where this new adventure takes me! ๐Ÿ™‚

Also I apologize for the lack of content lately. I’ve been so busy and emotionally/physically drained lately. I haven’t had much inspiration or time to sit down and write!! My posts will become more scattered and random. I apologize!! But I’ve learned that you’re at your best when you let it happen naturally. If I force myself to write, chances are I won’t be happy with the outcome.. I hope you understand! ๐Ÿ™‚

Short Films that are Sure to Make You Drop Your Phone! (Sincerely Scary)

I’ll be honest, the horror genre has been better. Hollywood has forgotten what scares people. I just feel like they’ve given up on trying. It looks like they might be picking up the pace, but it’s hard to find ACTUAL scary movies now-a-days. Although, I have found myself indulging in horror short films lately. That is what we are going to do today. We are going to discuss my favorites, and maybe I can help find your favorites in the process. I just wish some of these short films would get adapted into a full-length film!! (Particularly the second one in this list.)

This list is in no particular order. I am just listing some of my favorite short films! Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚


This short film is just 2 minutes, but it is 2 minutes well spent! It was a bit laughable when Alexa started talking, but it didn’t bother me too much. It was used as a plot device, and it worked even if it was unintentionally funny. I also love Michelle Khare so it was a nice surprise seeing her here.

I do wish that horror short films would have more than one jumpscare at the very end. Though I jumped, it’s kind of disappointing that they couldn’t have added just a little bit more. Just an extra minute would make it so much scarier. Isn’t that what they want? That’s really my only complaint. The demon looked good, and it was a good story. Watch it below.

The Maiden

Of course I am throwing this in here. This will always be my favorite short film. I have no complaints about this masterpiece, and since the director, Michael Chaves, is already involved with Warner Bros’ horror division, he needs to make a full-length version NOW.

From the antagonist to the acting to the script and directing, this is truly something special. There were several shots that just blew me away so props to Chaves for doing such a thing. Alia Raelynn did a good job acting the part as a scared real estate agent. There wasn’t any moment where I doubted her fear or determination. It was almost like she was having a war between herself. One moment, she was determined to sell the house, but the next, she doubted selling a house with such an issue as The Maiden.

The ending is usually an ending that I would hate, but it worked with this. It just makes me want a full-length film even more. Please take about 9 minutes out of your day and watch it!!

Tuck Me In

Oh. Oh. Oh. YES. The shorter, the better. This was one minute long, and it was a minute well worth it. I can’t say much because it’s so short, but I have chill bumps. The concept kind of reminds me of US, but I haven’t actually watched that movie so what do I know? Anyway, watch it!!!

The Birch

For a short film, the budget for this seemed pretty decent. The Birch was perfectly realized, and she looked very realistic. The only complaint I have is the editing and placement of the scenes. It seemed a bit wonky, but that’s just a style choice. The story of the birch is very interesting and complex, and I just don’t think a short story is enough! I want to see more!!!! Warner Brothers needs to do something with this! They need to build their horror division even more, and this is a great way to do it!!!

Be aware that the ending a bit gory, but it’s not overbearing. You should definitely give it a shot!!

Sleepy Eyes

I almost PEED my pants watching this. I am never buying a wind chime in my life. I don’t need them, and I don’t want them after watching this. It was a simple concept that still scared me. You don’t need a tree-woman CGI character or a demon flying around a house, and this short film proves it. Give it a watch!!

Honorable Mentions

The Whistle

Definitely something worth watching. I have not watched the sequels to this short film so I’m sure my main complaint will change in those considering the length of them compared to this one. I just don’t think there was enough time in this one to scare me. Some do not need the time, but this one needed it.

The Smiling Man

A very solid short film that gave me the chills. My only complaint is how much it seemed to borrow from IT.

Peek A Boo

This SCARED me. Though it scared me, the cinematography and acting just took me out of the short film a bit. I would not be able to sit through a full-length version of this. Although, I was genuinely terrified. It’s terrifying because technology can and is being manipulated like this!!!

THAT”S ALL! I hope you enjoyed this, and I am excited for upcoming posts! Expect more today, and of course, there will be posts all week! Please help spread the word! Comments, likes, and shares on social media are always appreciated! My twitter and instagram links will be listed below! Contact me at sincerelyyoursnp@gmail.com for anything pertaining to my blog. If you want to send anything horror related to post during this week, feel free to do so!

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